
Define Target Conversion

Establish specific, measurable goals for conversion optimization

Illustration of Define Target Conversion
Run a Define Target Conversion play

Prep time

Run time
30 minutes

Group size

Why: Setting clear targets, efforts can be directed more efficiently to areas with the greatest potential for impact

When: Conduct as the team is defining the scope and objectives of a marketing or growth hacking initiative

This workshop exercise is part of the Workshop Patterns printed card deck.

A collection of workshop exercises that will help you ditch dull meetings and facilitate with confidence. It will help you master the design process and have more productive time with your team. The card deck will be ready for purchase in the end of 2025 and is now undergoing rigorous testing.

Reserve your deck!

In conversion rate optimization, establishing specific, measurable goals is the foundation upon which all subsequent strategies and actions are built. However, at the heart of conversion optimization lies the ability to understand and influence user behavior, but without clear, specific targets, efforts can become directionless, and measuring success becomes a challenge.

Defining the desired conversion outcome will help provide a clear direction for optimization activities, ensuring that efforts are focused and aligned with business objectives. Having specific goals allow for precise measurement and analysis, enabling teams to track progress and understand the impact of their strategies.

Instructions for running this play

  1. Identify target funnel step
    Let the group discuss and agree on what step of the funnel to focus conversion efforts on. The classic marketing funnel is:

    Acquisition, Activation, Retention, Referral, Revenue If you are unsure, it makes sense to run a Touchpoint & Trigger Mapping or Drag & Drive Mapping exercise prior to this.

  2. Introduce the formula
    Start by explaining the formula for crafting conversion target statements:

    [Specific conversion action you want users to take] +
    [where and when or in what context this should occur].

    [Make a purchase] + [within 24 hours of visiting the website].
    [Sign up for the newsletter] + [after reading any blog post].
    [Upgrade to a premium account] + [after a 30-day trial period

  3. Conversion brainstorming
    Using the formula, conduct a 5 minute **Silent Storming **session, letting participants list out specific conversions they believe will lead to the desired business outcome on separate sticky notes. Individually or in groups. \
  4. Present the results
    Have each group or individual share their statements and receive feedback from others to refine their definitions. Consider whether you should rego back to step 3 to improve the definitions. \
  5. Select target conversions
    Use Dot Voting to let participants select the best conversion goals based on feasibility and what will possibly generate the most impact.

This workshop exercise is part of the Workshop Patterns printed card deck.

A collection of workshop exercises that will help you ditch dull meetings and facilitate with confidence. It will help you master the design process and have more productive time with your team. The card deck will be ready for purchase in the end of 2025 and is now undergoing rigorous testing.

Reserve your deck!

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Ice Breakers

Relieve initial group awkwardness and establish a safe space


Broaden knowledge or insight regarding the behavior or situation to inform decisions.


Show practical examples or models of the desired behavior for clear guidance.


Highlight current actions and their reasons, bringing unconscious habits to awareness.


Develop necessary skills and competencies to enable effective action.

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