To maximize your certainty of success before scaling your product ideas, you will want to conudct customer experiments to validate your them. Repeatedly testing whether you are on the right track to success will stop you from implementing something nobody wants.
When experimenting, we’ve seen the tendency for experiment teams to forget to define critical factors in the design of experiments. Factors that, if ignored, can make all your testing effort worthless. To help you solve this, we created a simple tool to better design those experiments/tests.
Truth be told, we weren’t always good at it in the early days.
The experiment sheet forces you to make the following things explicit:
- What needs to be true for your idea to work (what is your hypothesis, assumption, or guess)?
- How are you going to test whether your hypothesis is true of false?
- What are you going to measure to validate (or invalidate) your hypothesis?
- How does success look like? And how does failure look like? What’s the threshold?
The experiment sheet forces you to make critical factors explicit: What needs to be true for your idea to work, how success and failure looks like, how you are going to test your hypothesis, what you are going to measure.

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