Workshop Exercises: Understand

Competition Radar

Plotting your path in a crowded market

Illustration of Competition Radar
Run a Competition Radar play

Also called:

Prep time
10 minutes

Run time
2-3 hours

Group size

Why: Reveal market gaps and strengths, aiding strategies to address weaknesses and bolster advantages

When: Suitable during market shifts, strategic pivots, or periodic competitive analyses

This business strategy is part of the Business Model Patterns printed card deck.

Proven business models that have driven success for global leaders across industries. Rethink how your business can create, deliver, and capture value.

Get your deck!

Instructions for running this play

  1. Prepare the radar. Before the exercise, draw a radar chart with nine segments on a large surface, with each segment representing an element of the Business Model Canvas.
    Mappng out the business model on a radar chart to assess the competition. \
  2. Prepare a list of competitors to be mapped during the exercise.
  3. Position competitors. Choose a distinct color pen for the first competitor and map their value on each segment of the radar, starting with “Value Propositions” and working your way around the chart clockwise. Measure value in terms of strength, robustness, monetary value, or any other relevant criteria.
  4. Continue with the next competitor. Using a different colored pen, repeat step 3 for the remaining competitors.
  5. Plot your own company. Consider how your company is positioned in relation to others.
  6. Identify gaps. Determine where your company has stronger or weaker positions compared to your competitors.
  7. Plan next steps. Discuss strategies to address identified gaps, whether to catch up with competitors, further cement your lead, or deliberately ignore certain aspects.

This business strategy is part of the Business Model Patterns printed card deck.

Proven business models that have driven success for global leaders across industries. Rethink how your business can create, deliver, and capture value.

Get your deck!

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Ice Breakers

Relieve initial group awkwardness and establish a safe space


Broaden knowledge or insight regarding the behavior or situation to inform decisions.


Show practical examples or models of the desired behavior for clear guidance.


Highlight current actions and their reasons, bringing unconscious habits to awareness.


Develop necessary skills and competencies to enable effective action.

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