Persuasive Patterns Playbook


24 plays

Hand drawn illustration of

Nudging Strategies

Playbooks for using emotions to guide decisions and actions

These behavior change strategies are part of the Persuasive Patterns printed card decks.

The Persuasive Patterns card decks is a collection of design tactics from product psychology, presented in a manner easily referenced and used as a brainstorming tool.

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Anchoring Bias illustration

Cognitive Bias

Anchoring Bias

We tend to rely too heavily on the first information presented

Authority Bias illustration

Cognitive Bias

Authority Bias

We have a strong tendency to comply with authority figures

Cashless Effect illustration

Cognitive Bias

Cashless Effect

We spend more when no cash is involved in a transaction

Commitment & Consistency illustration

Persuasive Technique

Commitment & Consistency

We want to appear consistent with our stated beliefs and prior actions

Curiosity Effect illustration

Psychological Effect

Curiosity Effect

We crave more when teased with a small bit of interesting information

Delighters illustration

Persuasive Technique


We remember and respond favorably to new, unexpected, and playful pleasures

Endowment Effect illustration

Psychological Effect

Endowment Effect

We value objects more once we feel we own them

Halo Effect illustration

Cognitive Bias

Halo Effect

We let impressions created in one area influence opinions in another area

Humor Effect illustration

Psychological Effect

Humor Effect

Information presented with humor is more likely to motivate and be remembered

Intentional Gaps illustration

Persuasive Technique

Intentional Gaps

Create intentional gaps that users can't help but try to fill

Isolation Effect illustration

Psychological Effect

Isolation Effect

Items that stand out from their peers are more memorable

Kairos illustration

Persuasive Technique


Communicate to users in situations that are the opportune moments for change

Need for Closure illustration

Cognitive Bias

Need for Closure

We have a desire for definite cognitive closure as opposed to enduring ambiguity

Optimism Bias illustration

Cognitive Bias

Optimism Bias

We consistently overstate expected success and downplay expected failure

Peak-End Rule illustration

Cognitive Bias

Peak-End Rule

We judge an experience by its peak and how it ends

Priming Effect illustration

Psychological Effect

Priming Effect

Decisions are unconsciously shaped by what we have recently experienced

Reciprocity illustration

Persuasive Technique


We feel obliged to give when we receive

Retaliation illustration

Persuasive Technique


People repay in kind

Scarcity Bias illustration

Cognitive Bias

Scarcity Bias

We value something more when it is in short supply

Serial Positioning Effect illustration

Psychological Effect

Serial Positioning Effect

We remember the first and last items in a list better

Status-Quo Bias illustration

Cognitive Bias

Status-Quo Bias

We prefer the current state instead of comparing actual benefits to actual costs

Status illustration

Persuasive Technique


We constantly look to how our actions improve or impair how others see us

Tailoring illustration

Persuasive Technique


Adapt the offerings of a system to match individual users- needs and abilities

Value Attribution illustration

Cognitive Bias

Value Attribution

The perceived value of things increases with their cost and appearance

Important for this playbook

Leveraging emotional stimuli to drive desired actions, the Influence behavior change strategy is frequently used appraoch.

Whether it’s encouraging engagement, prompting purchases, or fostering loyalty, the Influence strategy plays a vital role in shaping user interactions with products and services. Rooted in psychological theories such as affective forecasting and emotional contagion, this strategy taps into the inherent link between emotions and decision-making processes.

Designers employ Influence when seeking to evoke emotions like excitement, urgency, or fear of missing out, thereby nudging users towards desired actions. With its foundation in emotion-driven behavior, Influence proves instrumental in driving user engagement and achieving product objectives.

These behavior change strategies are part of the Persuasive Patterns printed card decks.

The Persuasive Patterns card decks is a collection of design tactics from product psychology, presented in a manner easily referenced and used as a brainstorming tool.

Get your deck!

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